China has unveiled a new resistive magnet, achieving a strength that is an astonishing 800,000 times greater than Earth’s magnetic field. This groundbreaking milestone, accomplished by a dedicated team of researchers, was announced on September 22 at the Steady High Magnetic Field Facility (SHMFF) in Hefei. The new magnet narrowly surpasses the previous record of 41.4 teslas, which had been held by a resistive magnet at the National High Magnetic Field Lab in Florida since 2017.

Resistive magnets, also known as electromagnets, are created by passing electrical current through coiled wires, producing magnetic fields significantly stronger than those found naturally on Earth. These powerful fields are primarily utilized in advanced scientific research to investigate fundamental phenomena in nature. With its remarkable strength, China’s latest resistive magnet sets a new standard in the global competition for high magnetic field technologies.

The new magnet generates a field strength of 42.02 teslas, a stark contrast to Earth’s magnetic field, which measures approximately 0.00006 teslas. This impressive feat was achieved through a sophisticated design that incorporates specialized materials and advanced cooling techniques, ensuring the magnet remains operational without overheating. In comparison, typical MRI machines found in hospitals produce magnetic fields ranging from just 1.5 to 3 teslas.

The advancement of ultra-strong magnets goes beyond merely breaking records; these powerful instruments facilitate significant breakthroughs in fundamental research. They can be employed to study quantum materials, superconductors, and the intricate processes of nuclear fusion. In the medical field, stronger magnets may enhance imaging technologies and pave the way for innovative cancer treatments and drug delivery systems.

Furthermore, the capability to generate such intense magnetic fields opens new avenues for exploring the frontiers of physics and material science. High magnetic fields enable scientists to examine exotic materials like topological insulators and high-temperature superconductors under extreme conditions, potentially transforming the fields of electronics, computing, and energy storage. In nuclear fusion research, ultra-strong magnets play a crucial role in confining and controlling plasma, essential for achieving sustainable fusion reactions—a promising clean energy source for the future.

While resistive magnets can maintain high magnetic fields for extended periods and allow for rapid adjustments in strength, their operation comes at a significant cost. The recent record-setting magnet required a staggering 32.3 megawatts of power, prompting researchers to emphasize the need for strong scientific justification for such energy consumption. To address the energy demands associated with resistive magnets, scientists are actively developing hybrid and superconducting magnets that consume less power.

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